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J. Kemp Brinson Speaking to Entrepreneurs March 19

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Legal matters are foremost in establishing a new Florida business. To bring this point home to startups, attorney J. Kemp Brinson, partner at Bloodworth Law, PLLC, will talk about the legal planning required of entrepreneurs on Tuesday, March 19 in Lakeland, Florida at Catapult.

Catapult is a coworking space and incubation center for startups. Brinson is a featured speaker during CO.STARTERS, a nine-week course that helps owners work through business hurdles before they launch.

“Getting your legal house in order from day one is the most challenging part of starting a new business,” Brinson said.

“I will provide them with some real-world examples of why it is important to meet that challenge and how to do it cost-effectively.”

Some of the topics Brinson will talk about with entrepreneurs include:

  • Why do legal issues matter?
  • What can go wrong if you don’t set a business up properly?
  • Can you change the business structure if it needs change?
  • What are the most common mistakes people make in starting a business?
  • How do I avoid problems?
  • When should legal counsel be sought?

The first actions business owners take will affect the structure and the future of their businesses. Brinson will help aspiring entrepreneurs learn from his experiences as a business litigator which began in 2004.

“Catapult is an exciting component of the Polk County business ecosystem,” Brinson said. “I am thrilled to help support their efforts to empower new businesses in our community.”

“Working with entrepreneurs is always exciting. Helping them achieve their goals is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.”

If you’re interested in attending the Catapult CO.STARTERS series, signup for classes at the Catapult website.

Brinson was named to the 2019 Super Lawyers list for his work in Florida Employment Litigation. He handles business litigation, real estate litigation, probate and trust litigation, with a focus on employment litigation, and civil litigation for employers and employees.

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