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Reasons Law Firms May NOT Take Your Case

10 Reasons Law Firms May NOT Take Your Case

Bloodworth Law, a U.S News & World Report 2020 through 2024 Best Law Firm represents hundreds of Florida clients every year.

But Bloodworth Law doesn’t accept every case, and it’s impossible to know in the first phone call whether attorney Reed Bloodworth can take your case.

10 Reasons Law Firms May NOT Take Your Case

Here are 10 reasons law firms may not take your case. The decision process for accepting or declining a client’s case at Bloodworth Law is methodical and adheres to Florida law.

Statute of Limitations

1. Has the Statute of Limitations expired on your case?

Florida law has specific timelines for a legal dispute after it has occurred. A legal dispute must occur within specific timeframes that vary by case and by practice area.

Did You Pass the Conflict Check?

2. Will you — the client and your case — pass a conflict check?

Lawyers are not allowed to represent clients or cases with conflicting interests opposite to other clients and to firm attorneys. There may be a conflict between attorneys who formerly represented a client or a case. There are many reasons a case is turned down after a conflict check is completed.

Small Claims Case?

3. Do you instead have a small claims case?

If your case is worth $8,000 or less it may be able to be settled instead in small claims court.

Fees Larger Than Case Value?

4. Will litigation fees exceed the value of your case?

If your case is worth $10,000 but will require $60,000 to litigate the case, you have an upside down legal dispute. You’ll be the one paying for it. Is it worth the money to continue litigation? What’s Your Budget?

5. Do you have a litigation budget?

Very few cases are taken on contingency fees. This means you’ll be responsible for the costs of litigation. Can you afford the legal costs required to pursue your case?

What Are the Facts?

6. Do the facts back your case?

Is there paperwork, digital, or forensic proof to back up your claims? Do you have it or don’t you?

What Does the Law Say?

7. Are there legal merits to your case?

You may have proof of a perceived wrong. But what does Florida law say? Do you even have a case?

Case Legal Fees vs. Risk

8. Does the amount pursued outweigh the risk and legal fees involved?

For example, if you’re pursuing a $20,000 case, but legal fees exceed $20,000, you would not benefit from a legal dispute.

Risk or Reward

9. Does the attorney see the risk or the reward in your case?

Attorneys have different views of risk and reward in accepting a case.

What Area of Law?

10. Is your case within the area of law practiced by the attorney?

Research attorneys before you call to find out what areas of law they work within. Bloodworth Law handles:

Bloodworth Law cases are led by managing partner L. Reed Bloodworth, a 2019 – 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Lawyer in Commercial Litigation, and Trusts & Estates Litigation.

Be Prepared to Share Information

Reed’s legal team has been instructed to gather information from people who call the law firm so that next steps in the vetting process may proceed.

When you call Bloodworth Law, be prepared with all information on hand so that the staff can find out if Reed may help you, your family, or your business.

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