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Who’s the Best Lawyer for Your Florida Lawsuit?

The question to ask before a legal case proceeds is who’s the best lawyer for your Florida lawsuit?

How do you really know what a lawyer is truly capable of performing? Have you seen their performance first-hand in court? Do you have references?

You should meet with several Florida attorneys, ask lots of questions and then make your decision.

It may be a large group deciding, drilling the attorney with questions, vetting the team, checking references. Then, the case begins.

Who’s the Best Lawyer for Your Florida Lawsuit

Orlando, Florida, attorney L. Reed Bloodworth knows what to expect and how to address judges and juries. Reed is likely to see the inside of several courtrooms, several times a week. Many clients call and ask questions to get to know what may happen. But in the end, it’s up to a judge and jury or a mediator or sometimes, Reed who only needs to begin the legal process on righting a wrong to resolve the disputed issue.

“I’ve handled hundreds of business litigation, personal injury and trust & estate cases,” Reed said. “Each one is different. There’s no way that one case can compare to another. It’s the client that makes the difference and the client’s needs. What do they want and more importantly, what happened to the client?”

Mediation vs. Litigation

But just as frequently as litigation, Reed attends mediations where he and his client(s) meet in one room at a neutral location and opposing counsel and the defendant(s) are in another room. Reed meets with a mediator and the opposing counsel in a middle ground room while both sets of clients stay in their respective rooms.

Reed works with the mediator to meet somewhere to the satisfaction of both sides to reach a settlement. The mediation process may resolve the business dispute to the satisfaction of both parties in several hours. Or both sides may go home and agree to resume another day. Maybe one side says, that’s it and the case goes to court. Or, there’s a settlement which prevents a lawsuit from proceeding.

Ultimately, Reed lays out the options to a client who decides. Reed only pursues what the plaintiff in a case wants. There’s a strategy, there’s legal grounds, but in the end, the client has to be happy with the outcome.

How Long Does a Business Litigation Case Run?

Reed welcomes litigation and has handled hundreds of cases in and out of court. But every client, every case, every goal in each case is unique. There’s no way to guess at the length of a case. Reed knows what a jury can do and is well aware of the direction that any lawsuit may take. In general, a business lawsuit may last from between six months to two years.

Business Lawsuits on Contingency

At the end of the day, lawsuits are expensive but by being able to take business lawsuits on a contingency basis for accepted cases, the pressure comes off the shoulders of the client and is placed squarely onto attorney Reed Bloodworth to resolve the case.

In a contingency fee payment situation, Reed’s payment is contingent upon his settling the case or receiving a positive financial decision. Then, when the case pays, the client pays Reed.

If the case doesn’t pay out, Reed doesn’t get paid. Reed takes the risk in every case.

Clients Make the Call

Ultimately, the decision to settle a business litigation issue like a breach of contract, a partnership dispute, or a business tort (a civil infraction by a business) is the client’s decision.

Working as a Team

Reed works towards the client’s goals and together a legal strategy is agreed upon. Reed and clients begin working as a team immediately upon a case acceptance.

The case only goes to court if a lawsuit is the client’s choice. Reed will advise clients and provide options and clarify what the various outcomes may offer. Reed may work out a settlement before ever having to go into court which can effectively handle a business litigation dispute. But in some cases, clients do insist on having their day in court to face the defendant(s). That’s the client’s choice and if it’s in the client’s interest Reed will say it is. If the client is likely to have a better outcome, Reed will say so, but the client’s going to hear all sides available.

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