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Should You Settle or Should You Sue?

Should You Settle or Should You Sue?

It’s going to be a monetary decision in the end and only the best lawyer will be able to provide you and show you the options. The choice will be yours.

The answer will be up to you as a business or as an individual. But all of your options should be presented to you by a very experienced business litigator.

I’m attorney Reed Bloodworth, managing partner of Bloodworth Law in Orlando, Florida. We handle business litigation across the state including business torts, breach of contract, shareholder disputes and partnership disputes. 

Does Your Lawyer Have the Skill?

Does your business lawyer have the skill to discern whether a battle has to be waged in court or whether a solution can be reached between disputing parties through negotiation?

You’d better know the answer and have confidence in your lawyer to defend and protect you.

Questions Before You Sue

  • Is your partnership dispute going to be successfully prosecuted?
  • Is your breach of contract case going to be successfully defended?
  • Do you have an attorney who’s not afraid to sit down and say, ‘here’s the problem, but here’s how we’re going to handle it?’ You’d better make sure you’re confident in the lawyer you hire.

Your business can’t hope and wait to find out if a vendor will pay you. No more than you can hope that a supplier who shorted you one month, promises you they’ll make it up to you the next month. If you run your business this way, you’ll fail.

Contracts are binding and they’re created to put all details, all parties, all payments and all actions into a legal document. A breach of contract requires your immediate attention with a strong business litigator.

Clients want aggressive attorneys, usually they say, ‘I want a pit bull in court.’ But instead of going into a lawsuit which can become expensive, your attorney has to be savvy and know how to approach a complicated legal problem with alternatives.

Should You Sue or Should You Settle?

Ultimately, the lawyer you choose to represent you will know how many ways that a case or legal issue can be handled or approached. It’s important to hire an attorney who knows whether a case requires litigation or whether a case is better resolved through negotiations.

Again, I’m attorney Reed Bloodworth, the managing partner of Bloodworth Law. Let’s talk about how Bloodworth Law can help you or your business.

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