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Exceptional Florida Fiduciary and
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What is Employment Litigation?

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Bloodworth Law, a U.S News & World Report 2020 and 2021 Best Law Firm represents hundreds of Florida clients every year.

Led by managing partner L. Reed Bloodworth, Bloodworth Law is retained by Florida businesses that want to avoid, or that are facing employment litigation.

What is Employment Litigation?

What is Employment Litigation? Employment litigation involves legal disputes between employers and employees including:

  • Safety
  • Non-compete agreements
  • Vendor contracts
  • Trade secrets
  • Wages
  • Overtime
  • Classification
  • Discrimination
  • Wrongful discharge
  • Harassment
  • Benefits

To remain informed of changes to Florida employment law businesses meet and consult with the experienced Bloodworth Law employment law team who know legal options and possible outcomes involving employee claims.

Bloodworth Law works with businesses in many fields including:

  • Aerospace
  • Engineering
  • Medical
  • Technology
  • Financial
  • Manufacturing
  • Services
  • Restaurant

Bloodworth Law also works with Florida employers that have received correspondence from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Florida Commission on Human Relations.

Resolution + Prevention = Attorney

Many questions arise throughout the communication and employee review process. Having an attorney familiar with a business, an employee situation, and the complaint process is imperative for resolution – and prevention.

What is a Protected Class?

If employment law issues at your business relate to protected classes, you will need an employment law firm to help steer through it or make changes in advance.

Hiring and retaining talented, valued employees has become an unexpected challenge for Florida employers. Investing in employees is a commitment that businesses will have to make to succeed.

Employee Handbook & Procedures Review

Before your business enters 2022, contact Bloodworth Law for an employee handbook and procedures review. Talk with Reed about how the Bloodworth Law Employment Team can help you and your business.

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