What Types of Partnerships Can be Formed in Florida?
When Florida businesses are founded, members have to decide which…
Who Needs Estate Planning?
ttorney L. Reed Bloodworth is Founder and CEO of Bloodworth…
What is Estate Planning?
Estate planning is the act of creating legal documents and…
Business Cases, Trust & Estate Cases via Contingency Fees
Occasionally, business litigation, trust litigation, or estate litigation cases arise…
Are You Personally Liable for Business Debt?
Attorney L. Reed Bloodworth, managing partner of Bloodworth Law, explains…
When Do Florida Beneficiary Issues Become Trust Disputes?
Bloodworth Law handles many legal disputes that arise over Florida…
What is a Codicil?
Attorney L. Reed Bloodworth explains that a codicil is a…
What is a Settlement Agreement?
Managing partner and attorney L. Reed Bloodworth Bloodworth Law, located…
What Can You Do If You’re Not Happy With a Will?
Estate disputes typically begin after a beneficiary receives less than…