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Trust & Estate Lawsuit FAQs

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What Should Be Included in a Business Contract

Orlando Florida attorney Reed Bloodworth explains that a business contract is a legally enforceable promise. A contract has 3 primary elements. 1. someone has offered to do something. 2. Acceptance of the offer. 3. Consideration–something of value is offered. No matter what the contract, if you sign it, you’re committed to it. Be sure to have an attorney review every contract.

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What Are the Stages of Business Litigation

Florida business litigation attorney Reed Bloodworth explains the stages of business litigation which include a range of options provided to clients so that clients may choose how they’d like to resolve the legal problem. Lawsuits are expensive and time consuming for businesses of all sizes which is why settlement or mediation may become the resolve.

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Prepare for a Trial

Before every trial Florida litigation attorney Reed Bloodworth works with clients to prepare for trial in a courtroom in Orlando. By going through your case you’ll feel comfortable when you actually walk into a courtroom. You’ll be prepared because I’ll walk you through issues and we’ll do a mock question session. Additionally, you can talk about whatever it is that your worries are regarding your case. Nothing will be a surprise. I’ll work with you until you’re relaxed and ready.

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Florida Trust & Estate Litigation Questions

Reed Bloodworth has been a top Trust and Estate Litigation attorney in Florida since 2004 and has extensive experience handling and resolving issues for beneficiaries.

Call Reed Bloodworth at 407-777-8541 to begin at least talking about what happened to you. Get on the phone and go through your list of questions with Reed first. You need to sort out your situation and get real answers from Reed.

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