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Tips on How to Get the Most From a First Attorney Meeting

Tips on How to Get the Most From a First Attorney Meeting

Orlando, Florida, and Winter Haven, Florida, attorney L. Reed Bloodworth, is the managing partner of Bloodworth Law. In this video, Reed shares tips on how to get the most from a first attorney meeting.

Before Reed meets with a prospective client about a case, basic information is gathered about the case over the phone by paralegals. Documents are requested, questions are asked, and a conflict check is completed. If after reviewing all information, a case is seen as viable, a meeting date and time is set to speak with an attorney.

It’s important for a client to be prepared, so here are Reed’s tips on how to get the most from a first attorney meeting.

Tip #1: Do some research

If you believe you have a lawsuit, Reed said that the number one thing to do before your meeting with an attorney, is to do some research on your own on Google and YouTube.

Reed explained that it doesn’t have to be in-depth research, but if you believe a wrong action has been taken against you, be it related to a will, or a trust, a contract, or an employment agreement or verbal agreement, do some research just to see if you may or may not have a claim.

If it’s a breach of contract, Google the elements of breach of contract. If it is undue influence over a will or a trust, Google undue influence and you’ll find the seven Carpenter factors. Read through those factors. Do you believe you have evidence to help prove those factors?

Tip #2: Gather all documents

When Reed meets with a client, he asks to review documents that relate to the potential case.

If it’s commercial litigation, business litigation, probate, trust litigation, employment law, employment litigation, there are documents that frame the case, your case.

If it’s a breach of contract case, the contract is the primary document used to frame your case. The same is true with a trust, or a will, or an employment agreement. Gather all those documents so that Reed may review them.

Tip #3: Read all documents

It’s important that clients read all documents BEFORE meeting with the attorney. It’s your case so you need to know what’s in your documents. You need to be able to refer to documents in your meeting.

Tip #4: Gather communication between disputing parties

Gather all forms of communication between disputing parties. Gather all e-mails, text messages, messenger app messages, letters, notes from phone calls, timelines, so that they’re ready to be reviewed.

Tip #5: Keep an organized file of your documents

You should keep an organized file of your documents on Google Drive, DropBox or Box.com. Scan documents, take clean photos of documents and upload them. Make sure they are in your file, clearly marked, and ready to be sent when asked.

Tip #6: Be prepared to share the documents

It’s very important that you are ready to e-mail the documents when asked for them before your meeting. An attorney needs to see documents to review a case. But do not email documents unless and until they are requested by the law firm paralegals or by the attorney.

By following these six tips, you will get the most from your first meeting with an attorney. You’ll be aware of what your case may be based on. You will have read, gathered and placed all documents in a file, and you’ll be ready to send documents to the attorney BEFORE your meeting.

When you have a legal issue or a business dispute, find out how Bloodworth Law can help you, your family or your business.

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