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As an Employer Can I Enforce This Non-Compete?

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Why Florida Employers Need Non-Competes

I’m attorney Reed Bloodworth, managing partner of Bloodworth Law in Orlando. We work with employers and employees across the state of Florida on employment law issues. I’m talking today about why Florida employers need non-competes. Non-competes are often introduced by employers to protect the financial and confidential interests of a business. What is a Non-Compete?

Why Florida Employers Need Non-Competes Read More »

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What Can Employers Expect After a Discrimination Complaint?

I’m attorney Reed Bloodworth, the managing partner of Bloodworth Law in Orlando, Florida. We handle employment litigation across the state for businesses and individuals. I’m going to talk about a few issues and scenarios surrounding the question: what can employers can expect after a discrimination complaint? Discrimination Complaint? If you’re reading this, you’re probably already

What Can Employers Expect After a Discrimination Complaint? Read More »

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What Can Employers Do During Harassment Complaints?

This is an overview of actions that are sometimes taken in cases where there is a Florida harassment complaint. What can employers do during harassment complaints? Separate Alleged Harasser From Alleged Victims Generally, when someone comes to for a legal consultation on a harassment complaint, we’ll ask what’s been done internally. What must be done

What Can Employers Do During Harassment Complaints? Read More »

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